If your electricity expenses have been rising ever since you bought a pool pump, it may be because you chose a single-speed pool pump. Although they’re quite inexpensive, they’re difficult to operate and cause an increase in the electricity bills. 

A great alternative is an inverter pool pump that has variable speed settings. A silent inverter pool pump causes a decline in your bills and also works efficiently. So, before you go out to buy a pool pump, check out this inverter pool pump guide.

Before we get into the factors to think about before purchasing a pool pump, it’s crucial to understand why an inverter pool pump is an ideal option.

Why an Inverter Pool Pump Is the Best Choice

An Inverter pool pump is fantastic pool equipment, and here’s why:

These pumps produce a quieter effect when it comes to pumping. Aquagem uses the latest technology called InverSilence tech in their inverter pool pumps which makes it a noiseless task.

Inverter pool pumps are very cost-effective. Hence, you only need to spend on them to get their maximum benefits.

 Since these pumps use a high-tech motor, they’re made to last for a longer time than single and double-speed pumps.

They’re constructed using the latest technology, which means their hardware and software work like a charm. 

An Inverter Pool Pump Guide – Things to Consider Before Buying

There are many factors to take into consideration before deciding on which pool pump to buy. Therefore, read this inverter pool pump guide to make a wise decision. 


You want an inverter pool pump that offers excellent durability. Since these pool pumps are generally more expensive than single or double-speed pool pumps, many people hesitate to buy them. But these pumps are a great investment in the long run. Hence, they last for a long time and provide you with all the advantages.


Another factor you want to keep in mind is that your inverter pool pump should be efficient. This means that it should perform tasks more effectively while also saving money. 

Even though most inverter pool pumps claim to be efficient in their working, you also want to check if it’s true. This should be done by purchasing a pool pump and tracking its power consumption for at least 20 days or more. If it doesn’t seem to cause a decline in your electric bills by 70-80%, it’s not an efficient model. Therefore, it’s best to return it and find an alternative. 

Variable Settings

Sometimes, people use an inverter pool pump at a higher speed to quickly circulate the chemical throughout the swimming pool water. So, always select an inverter pool pump that offers a wide range of speed settings for different tasks. This way, you can easily change your pump’s settings according to the job it has to perform. 


To conclude, this inverter pool pump guide highlighted the most important factors to consider while buying your pump. Always do your research and check the pump’s specifications to ensure if it’s exactly what you’re looking for.


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